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Functional programming languages – In this article, we explain the main functional programming languages that software developers should learn or become familiar with to preserve pace with the development of new languages and keep up with current market trends.
Hence, Functional programming is a rapidly growing paradigm. In this guide, we will see the most famous functional programming languages. Furthermore, Along the way, we’ll learn what functional programming is and what features are common to functional languages and explore languages that aren’t functional but have some functional features.
People learn functional programming for many reasons. Some want to expand their programming skills; others want to find a new job. Still, others find that functional programming is more natural to their thinking. Whatever the right reason for you, I’ve categorized the languages to help you find the right one.
What Are The Four Types Of Functional Programming Languages?
Functional programming has been around for about six decades, but it is rapidly gaining ground due to current trends such as parallel computing, data science, machine learning applications, etc.
Hence, Languages like Python, Rust, and Typescript offer many advantages, be it easy-to-learn syntax, concurrent and multi-threaded programming applications, and tremendous community support with great packages and libraries available for reuse.
There are several types of programming languages according to their operation.
The main types are:
Procedural Programming Language: These focus on how the result is derived, that is, importance is given to the procedure, for example, C
Functional Programming Language: Here, the focus is on defining the expected result rather than how that result is obtained, e.g., Haskell, Erlang.
Object-Oriented Programming Language: Hence, The application is divided into units called objects, and all communication between objects is done through messaging. However, The central concept is encapsulation, which means that everything needed by an object is summarized within the article. For example – Java, C++ and C#
Scripting Programming Languages: These are general support object-oriented programming concepts and functional programming language constructs, e.g., Javascript and Python.
What Are Functional Programming Languages?
However, There is no absolute way to determine if a language is a functional programming language. Conventionally, however, it encourage and support functional programming as the primary mindset used in the language. They do it because of what they make easy, challenging, and impossible.
Functional programming is difficult to define. Hence, You will find conflicting definitions everywhere. I like to define functional programming like this:
Functional programming is a type of programming that distinguishes between:
Actions: code that affects or is affect by the outside world, e.g., For example, a function that sends an email or a function that reads from a microphone
Calculations: input to output calculations, e.g., B. A function that calculates the tax on the amount of a sale
Data: facts about events, e.g., B. the price of a product
Features Of Functional Programming Languages.
- The functional programming method focuses on the results, not the process.
- The focus is on what is to be calculated.
- Data is immutable
- Functional Programming Break down the problem into “functions.”
- It is based on the concept of mathematical functions that use conditional expressions and recursion to perform the calculation.
- Does not support iterations like loop statements and conditional statements like If-Else
List Of The Best Functional Programming Languages
Here is the top list of that we will learn in this tutorial:
- closure
- elixir
- Haskell
- scale
- piton
- elm
- F#
- Erlang
- javascript
- Java
- C++
- Idris
- To plan
- walk
- oxide
- kotlin
- C#
- typescript
- ReasonML
- PureScript
- Fast
In this context, I want to explain the Functional programming languages that software developers should learn or become familiar with to preserve pace with the development of new languages and keep up with current market trends. Along the way, we’ll learn what functional programming is, what features are common to functional languages and explore that aren’t functional but do have some functional features