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About Capping the Forum
Capping the Forum: Unfortunately, a water leak is often discovered late, which can be very expensive. However, rest assured, a law called Warsmann protects you. This law allows you to contest your bill and ask for a cap if the abnormal consumption is due to a leak on the network and if it concerns your home. Your distributor must inform you without delay. However, conditions must be met.
Capping the Forum can defined as fixing the number of hours for a specific task, research project or decision and keeping our research within those bounds. Most jobs can completed at different levels of depth, and research itself is never-ending – a single topic could often be research in an hour or could equally have an entire PhD made out of it. The same can apply to website design, outreach, polishing or many other tasks that an organization engages in.
Given tasks that are not time-capped, people will generally spend more time doing what they find fun or get absorb in instead of what is best to put hours into in the long run. By setting a time cap on a task, we are pre-determining how vital that task is relative to other counterfactual studies. This approach often results in more getting done at some cost of depth, as 90% of the value of functions is often capture by the first 10% of the effort.
Benefits of Capping the Forum
- A few specific kinds of tasks benefit, especially from time capping. Research and decision-making frequently result in endlessly flexible deadlines without an explicit ‘good enough point. The Determination of Abnormal Consumption
- Your consumption is considered abnormal if it is more than twice the average consumption of your home over the past three years.
- On the other hand, if you have occupied the accommodation for less than three years, your distributor will base itself on the reference consumption.
- If this overconsumption comes from a leak, you can ask for the bill to capped at twice the average of your consumption over the last three years.
- Thus, if you have a bill of €10,000 while your average over the last three years is €1,500, you can request the cap at €3,000.
Information from your Distributor
- He must warn you of overconsumption no later than when your bill is issue. His letter must tell you your right to the capping device.
- If you have not been inform, you do not have to pay the part exceeding double your regular consumption.
Please note: If you live in collective housing, the distributor’s contact person will be your trustee.
Decision Making
Decisions are infinitely complex, and, much like research, it would be easy for a person to spend anywhere between 1 minute and multiple years considering difficult choices. Moreover, some decisions are sufficiently complex that the perfect answer can never found, just better and worse guesses. Given the uncertainty and complexity of the world, but also the importance of making many decisions (often hundreds a day), time capping the more lengthy decisions seems like an optimal solution. This stops analysis paralysis and constant indecisiveness. It also gives essential findings a fixed deadline and timeline for when they need to made.
Some decisions are so complex that it’s easier to impact multiple fields (or double the effect in a single ‘best guess’ field). So, for example, our team thought that it would be a quicker and higher impact to run a year of CE on both animals and poverty issues than it would be to research and decide which one is of higher consequence.
Your duty to Report the Leak
As soon as you know of the leak, you must telephone the management. She will tell you what to do. For example: for some distributors, it will be necessary to draw up a report before repair.
Then, you must send, in the month following the letter from the distributor. Your request for capping by registered letter with acknowledgement of receipt accompanied by the report. The repair invoice and a leaked certificate.
The Criteria for the Capping Request
It would Aid if you met the following criteria:
- be an individual subscriber to the water service,
- have a separate counter,
- have the leak repaired by a plumber and provide a certificate,
- the leak must be on a private pipe.
A private pipe is a pipe located after the meter. Your certificate must mention the leak’s site and the repair date. You have one month from receipt of your distributor’s letter to repair the leak. Provide the plumber’s certificate and submit your cap request.
Please note: You cannot repair the leak yourself!
When You can’t Get the Capping
You cannot obtain a cap for a leak on your sanitary equipment, household appliances, heating network, watering, etc. If the leak concerns commercial premises.
For example, if the leak comes from your toilet flush or washing machine, you cannot request that your bill capped.
I now want to describe that a water leak is often discover late, which can very expensive. So, you need to contact your insurance’s water and legal protection Forum for help. You can get the water mediator by mail at the following address: